
Our Certifications and Qualifications

Certified excellence. We have references.

MedCareProfessional is more than just a name. We take the quality of our professional service very seriously. Numerous national and international certifications confirm that our approach to deliver the best possible service is also recognized by other professionals. We feel that our work should be held to a higher standard, because that's how dealing with patients life should be seen.

Critical Care

MedCareProfessional has been accredited for the following expertises:

  • Adult Critical Care
  • Advanced Adult Critical Care

Certified for Commercial Airline Escort

We've been re-certified by EURAMI for medically escorting commercial flights. We're very happy and proud to have earned this certification.

DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

Organization and implementation of air ambulance services, intensive
transportation and medical consulting services for the return transport of
sick and injured people, MCP has implemented and applies a Quality Management System, which is in compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015


Our company was accredited "Full Accreditation Special Care" by the ?European Aero-Medical Institute e.V. ( EURAMI ). In 2009 our air ambulance was certified for the first time, re-certification brought us the highest level of certification in the sub-categoriues "ICU transport in an Air Ambulance“, "Paediatric Critical Care“, "Neonatal Critical Care" and "Commercial Escort“.

Creditreform Credit Check (CrefoZert)

The rating agency Creditreform granted MedCareProfessional the CrefoZert certificate for credit. We're part of a small and select circle of German companies which have been certified with an exceptional credit rating and good perspective.